When many people hear the words menstruation or periods, it can often make them uncomfortable, squirm or quickly change the topic of conversation. However, the reality is that approximately 50% of the country will have them at some point in their lives. Given the number of women and girls who train with us at least one female is probably having their period!


Female Taekwondo participants understand that having their period and having to wear white, isn’t the ideal pairing. Women worry that blood may seep onto their uniform, we want to reduce the stigma around being afraid to train / compete in white, and to raise awareness to males that seeing “red” shouldn’t be something to be mean or laugh about. Think about it – every single one of you reading this will know someone who is having periods or has had periods!

Did you know that England Women’s footballers will wear blue shorts instead of white at this summer’s Women’s World Cup after players expressed period concerns? (New England kit for Women’s World Cup has blue shorts because of period concerns – BBC Sport)

Girls on average start their periods around the age of 12 – but it can be earlier – and it can also be later, but the average is just as girls start secondary school! They continue to have periods until their 50s! It’s a long time to have periods, so remember its “Normal”.

Below is some information and useful resources about menstruation. Boys/Men reading this, it’s really useful for you to help you be supportive to the females around you. Females shouldn’t feel embarrassed if they are having a period, and no one has the right to mock females if they “see red”


In 2020 the BBC Elite British Sportswomen’s survey found that 60% of respondents said that their performance had been affected by their period, and they had missed training and competitions because if it. With 47% said they didn’t feel comfortable discussing their period with coaches. (Source BBC News 2020)


Training and competition when having your period

Here are some useful tips and hints to help you train while on your period:

  • Gentle exercise is often good for pain relief exercise good way to ease pain. The coach may be able to change the session to reduce the intensity of the exercise.
  • It may be useful for you to track and monitor the periods using an app or writing in a training diary, so you can be prepared should you be entering any competitions.
  • Girls should try to talk to their instructor so they are aware of when they are having your period. If you don’t feel comfortable, your parents can speak to one of the instructors, or any of our female staff on site.
  • The instructor should not penalise a student for having your period but should recognise it and manage it positively.
  • They may be able to alter the training session to account for the period.
  • You may want to consider wearing a darker colour of shorts under your dobok “just in case”.
  • Change out of your dobok when not competing.P
  • Pain can be eased by a warm bath, hot water bottle or pain relief.
  • Sleep can help reduce tiredness.
  • Good nutrition including fruit and vegetables.
  • Be prepared and have a small bag in your kitbag with menstrual products in.


    If you have any questions about this topic and need to speak with us please contact us via email or call us on 07717 116 115.